A Brief History of All Things LGBTQIA in India is a short animated primer on the progress of the LGBTQIA movement in the country, made to celebrate 10 years of Pride in Bangalore, as well as in Delhi and Mumbai. The film brings the viewer up to speed and unpacks LGBTQIA, Section 377, and answers all the questions you may have about what Pride is and why one should attend. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Produced by Falana Films
Direction and Voiceover - Shalaka Pai 
Animation by Shalaka Pai and Chaitanya Krishnan 
Sound Recording and Music by Arjun Chandran 
Research and Script by Shalaka Pai, Aarthi Parthasarathy and Meghna Menon 
Edit by Aarthi Parthasarathy and Meghna Menon 
Inspired by CGP Grey Explainer Videos

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